This is Samantha. Or Sam to her friends. She's the caretaker and owner the halfway house. She's a nice older lady and your potential mother figure. She also handles the mandatory counselling sessions to help you out with the multitude of emotional issues you're sure to have. She's the first person you meet when you get there.
This is Ashley or Ash to her friends. She's a fellow resident of the halfway house. I think she's a little older than you. I'm not really sure, she just tells me to shut the hell up when I ask. She's a tough, self assured lady, who won't take any shit from anyone. Thinks a little too highly of herself though. But don't worry I'm sure you'll be able to handle her just fine... Probably.
This is Emily or Em to her friends. This girl is the most important character in the game. She's your potential love interest. You can do all kinds of shit with other girls of course, this is a porn game after all but this character is the only one you'll form a deep emotional bond with plot wise. She's the same age as you. Nice, sweet girl. Kind and loyal to her friends. But she's got a nasty temper and will kick your butt if you piss her off. So be nice. Oh, and before I forget, she hates perverts.
This is Officer Monroe. Your Probation Officer. He's the first character you'll meet and he'll explain some basic plot points for you. He's a nice old bugger who's also not so secretly in love with Samantha. He's charge with monitoring your progress and will cart you straight back to juvie if you break the rules one too many times. So you better make friends with him.
This is Luis or Lou to his friends. He's the only other male resident. He's been there for ages and is actually no longer under a probationary period. He's free to leave anytime but decide to pay rent and stay while he looks for a full time job. Is he a good guy? A jerk? Potential rival? Placed in the game so I can set up some NTR goodness? Who knows? Play the game to find out. Ha ha.
Mr. Elijah, or Eli which he prefers. He used to be the halfway house caretaker and general handy man before opening up a vehicle repair shop and towing service in town. He likes to put up a gruff exterior but deep inside he's a kindly old man. You'll end up working for him for your part-time for the duration of your stay at the halfway house.
Shiho Kunieda
Shiho is a young doctor from the local hospital. She looks very young for her age and is somewhat self conscious of that fact. This causes her to feel isolated at the hospital and as a result has very few friends amongst her peers.
Other Characters
More character profiles coming soon...